How to administer this site:

Step 1 - Logon: Entering Administrive Mode

Step 2 - Add results: Stage 1 - Add Weeks to the Results Page

Step 2 - Add results: Stage 2 - Putting in the results for a week.

Step 2 - Add a result: Stage 3 - Update Table

Step 3 - Log Off

Extra Tasks - Give team penalty or bonus points - Requires Administrative Mode

  • Go to the division of your choice in administrative mode 
  • Click on the 'penalty points' button
  • A new page will load and on this page click edit next to the team to receive points adjustment
  • Use the drop down box to choose the TOTAL points to be added or subtracted.
  • Click save to keep new choice or cancel
  • Click on the Table link
  • Click Update Table to recalculate the table with the points adjustment included. 

Extra Tasks - Adding Team Infomatrion to the Master List - Requires Administrative Mode

Extra Tasks - Add a new team to a Division - Requires Administrative Mode

Extra Tasks - Deleting a Team - Requires Administrative Mode

  • On the Divison Table page there is the ability to delete a team.
  • The team can only be deleted if it has not played ANY games.
  • If the team drops out of the league you can either enter dummy results for the rest of the season or go back and remove the games that they played in previously so that when the table is re-calculated they will register as having not played any games and can be deleted.
  • Note this only removes them from the division not from the Master list of teams, so if they come back next season they can  be put into a division without re-entering all their contact information.

Archived Seasons

  • If seasons have been archived (see below) they can be viewed by changing the chosen season in View Archived Season Box and clicking Go Get! 
  • When viewing an archived season it is READ ONLY even if in Administrative mode so make sure all fixtures and tables are correct before archiving.

END OF SEASON TASK - Archiving a Season and Creating Divisions for Next Season.

  • You must be in Adminisrative Mode to do the following task.
  • This tool now supports archiving of a season.
  • Logon in the admin role.
  • From the bottom of the page choose the task of archive a season.
  • Click start task.
  • The page will refresh with an extra control panel visible.
  • In this control panel enter the name for the season you are archiving, a folder name without spaces or random characters  where they will be copied to (eg wint20067) and lastly the name of the new season to be created.
  • All the information for the current season will become read only so make sure that you have all the scorecards in and the statistics up to date.
  • Just below these text fields there is a list box of teams and a list box for divisions.
  • Using the control key and clicking choose the teams (from master list) that will be in division 1 next seasion. Check the drop down list to confirm the correct division is selected, then click Add selected Teams to selected Divisions
  • They will then appear in the listbox for division 1.
  • Teams can be added in multiple stages, but once added cannot be removed from this screen (see above for how to remove).
  • Repeat to get all the teams into the correct divisions.
  • Note to create a division make sure a team is in the listbox next to it.
  • This can be a dummy team because it can be removed later.
  • Any errors on path names for saving etc will be displayed in a message on the screen.

Future Plans